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Directory Server? Forgot specifics...

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:47 am    Post subject: Directory Server? Forgot specifics... Reply to topic Reply with quote


I used to host a bunch of zones ages ago. For awhile I had SSC billing, but most of the time I hosted, I ran my own billing server. I have re-setup a couple of zones because I got the itch to play again, but I'm wondering how to get my zones to be listed on the directory servers? And what servers should I list them on?

The latest version of Continuum had these servers int he download box by default:

These are the servers I used to use:

Can anyone tell me which of these are still up, and if anyone can add their zone to these directory servers, or is there someone I have to talk to before my zones can be listed on their directory servers?


-ETMegabyte (Formerly SSUS, Formerly SFSS)
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 5:35 am    Post subject: Quick update Reply to topic Reply with quote

So upon doing some more research, it seems that pretty much all of my previously listed directory servers are gonzo! The ones that I've found that remain are: and

So I've added those three to my server.ini files, but the zones don't seem to be showing up on those directory servers.

The relevent portion of my server.ini is as follows:

Code: Show/Hide
Description=My Testing Server - Not for general use - Testing Only!
//What you want to have for the description of zone
//Pick anything you want

Is this correct?

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Wow Cheese is so helpful!

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote
SSC Distension Owner
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote

Heh, now I've got a completely new, different problem.

I have 2 zones up and running. ONE of them is showing up on at least one of the directory servers (despite both zones being configured exactly the same way and having been running exactly the same amount of time), but it's showing up with the wrong IP.

And the IP it's showing up with is one I don't even remotely recognize.

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Wow Cheese is so helpful!

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Posts: 1017

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote

1) directory servers might be broken
2) internal network ip != public ip
3) using stock names is bad
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Joined: Apr 18 2015
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:38 am    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote

Cheese wrote:
1) directory servers might be broken
2) internal network ip != public ip
3) using stock names is bad

I dunno. It seems to be working, because someone logged into the one zone that is listing in the directory servers. But every time I check it using my continuum, it shows up with a different ip address (and no, not an internal address)... I set the serverIP in the server.ini file. But apparently someone got the right ip address because someone logged into the zone.. *shrug*

The zone is SSUS Legospace, and it shoudl have an ip address that starts with 173...
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Joined: Apr 18 2015
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Location: New Hampshire

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:30 pm    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote

Cheese wrote:
1) directory servers might be broken
2) internal network ip != public ip
3) using stock names is bad

1) Who would I ask to confirm/deny this? All the SSC zones seem to work fine on these directory servers...

2) I am aware. The IPs listing for the zone on the directory server (It seems to only be listing on and not on the other two at all) change every time I check it. Right now it's a 162.234 address, earlier it was a 64.220 address... The proper address should start with 173.9... And I know it's getting updates from my zone, because I changed the description in my server.ini, and the updated description shows on the directory server, but still the wrong IP...

3) Define "stock names"... Stock names where? Zone name? Description? the zone's name is SSUS Legospace.

4) I have 5 static IPs here. I know what my IP is... And because my machine is sitting behind a router, I set the ServerIP= setting in server.ini so it would report the correct IP, yet it does not... I think I might be ok if it erroneously reported my private ip address, or something like that, but it seems to be reporting random ip addresses, which have nothing to do wiht me or my internet connection.

12-13 years ago when I ran my own server, there were tons of people to ask when I ran into a jam, however, it now seems that there's no structure. If you're not talking about an SSC zone, then you don't have anyone to really talk to. Frustrating...

This should be a stupid simple thing. There are 3 directory servers, and my understanding is that all of the directory servers are open (meaning anyone can report to them). This should be a no-brainer, and yet it's giving me no end of headaches...
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