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la Newbie

Age:61 Gender: Joined: Jul 29 2005 Posts: 4 Offline
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:14 pm Post subject: Macrowhiz |
To better assist in bandwidth issues here, you can download Macrowhiz directly from my site. Total File size is 827K
Macrowhiz is a unique chat tool for subspace, then continuum. I Started it back in 96 while testing for VIE, and never made it public except to a few ppl until now.
I hope you use it for what it was made for, not for foolishness as It can and will get you banned.
La's Macrowhiz
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D1st0rt Miss Directed Wannabe

Age:37 Gender: Joined: Aug 31 2003 Posts: 2247 Location: Blacksburg, VA Offline
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:45 am Post subject: |
Very nice! May I ask how it works? I mean, I assume it generates keystrokes, but it worked even when I had the chat window minimized and had focus on a different one. All the stuff I've worked on requires the focus to be on the text component I want it entered to. _________________
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Bak ?ls -s 0 in

Age:25 Gender: Joined: Jun 11 2004 Posts: 1826 Location: USA Offline
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la Newbie

Age:61 Gender: Joined: Jul 29 2005 Posts: 4 Offline
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:04 pm Post subject: |
It's just a simple Macro tool for Multi-line chat.
It is coded to work with continuum so that once you are running continuum, it knows it is running, and is ready to flood whatever text you input.
I used API calls to make it work, and if you want to understand better on how to interact with the UDP and TCP packets I suggest you download Ether Detect.
The Continuum protocol's themselves are encrypted, and althought I have decrypted them, I will not be releasing that information.
It would make Prittk cry
Perhaps this will help some of you to have a better understanding of Winsock functions.
API Declarations
Option Explicit
Public Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1
Public Const AF_INET = 2
Public Const PF_INET = AF_INET
Public Const MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT = 1024
Public Const SOCK_STREAM = 1
Public Const MSG_PEEK = 2
Private Type SockAddr
sin_family As Integer
sin_port As Integer
sin_addr As String * 4
sin_zero As String * 8
End Type
Private Type T_WSA
wVersion As Integer
wHighVersion As Integer
szDescription(0 To 255) As Byte
szSystemStatus(0 To 128) As Byte
iMaxSockets As Integer
iMaxUdpDg As Integer
lpVendorInfo As Long
End Type
Dim WSAData As T_WSA
Type Inet_Address
Byte4 As String * 1
Byte3 As String * 1
Byte2 As String * 1
Byte1 As String * 1
End Type
Public IPStruct As Inet_Address
Public Type T_Host
h_name As Long
h_aliases As Long
h_addrtype As Integer
h_length As Integer
h_addr_list As Long
End Type
' KERNEL32.DLL funtions
Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Dest As Any, Src As Any, ByVal cb&)
' WSOCK32.DLL functions
Declare Function gethostbyaddr Lib "wsock32.dll" (addr As Long, ByVal addr_len As Long, ByVal addr_type As Long) As Long
Declare Function inet_addr Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal addr As String) As Long
Declare Function GetHostByName Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "gethostbyname" (ByVal HostName As String) As Long
Declare Function GetHostName Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "gethostname" (ByVal HostName As String, HostLen As Long) As Long
Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal a As Long, b As T_WSA) As Long
Declare Function WSACleanUp Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "WSACleanup" () As Integer
Declare Function Socket Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "socket" (ByVal afinet As Integer, ByVal socktype As Integer, ByVal protocol As Integer) As Long
Declare Function ConnectWinsock Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "connect" (ByVal sock As Long, sockstruct As SockAddr, ByVal structlen As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function send Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal sock As Long, ByVal msg As String, ByVal msglen As Integer, ByVal flag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function recv Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal sock As Long, ByVal msg As String, ByVal msglen As Integer, ByVal flag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function htonl Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal a As Long) As Long
Declare Function ntohl Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal a As Long) As Long
Declare Function htons Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal a As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function ntohs Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal a As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function closesocket Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal sn As Long) As Integer
Function HostByName(sHost As String) As String
Dim s As String
Dim p As Long
Dim Host As T_Host
Dim ListAddress As Long
Dim ListAddr As Long
Dim Address As Long
s = String(64, 0)
sHost = sHost + Right(s, 64 - Len(sHost))
p = GetHostByName(sHost)
Exit Function
If p <> 0 Then
CopyMemory Host.h_name, ByVal p, Len(Host)
ListAddress = Host.h_addr_list
CopyMemory ListAddr, ByVal ListAddress, 4
CopyMemory Address, ByVal ListAddr, 4
HostByName = InetAddrLongToString(Address)
HostByName = "No DNS Entry"
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function InetAddrStringToLong(Address As String) As Long
InetAddrStringToLong = inet_addr(Address)
End Function
Private Function InetAddrLongToString(Address As Long) As String
CopyMemory IPStruct, Address, 4
InetAddrLongToString = CStr(Asc(IPStruct.Byte4)) + "." + CStr(Asc(IPStruct.Byte3)) + "." + CStr(Asc(IPStruct.Byte2)) + "." + CStr(Asc(IPStruct.Byte1))
End Function
Function HostByAddress(ByVal sAddress As String) As String
Dim lAddress As Long
Dim p As Long
Dim HostName As String
Dim Host As T_Host
lAddress = inet_addr(sAddress)
p = gethostbyaddr(lAddress, 4, PF_INET)
If p <> 0 Then
CopyMemory Host, ByVal p, Len(Host)
HostName = String(256, 0)
CopyMemory ByVal HostName, ByVal Host.h_name, 256
If HostName = "" Then HostByAddress = "Unable to Resolve Address"
HostByAddress = Left(HostName, InStr(HostName, Chr(0)) - 1)
HostByAddress = "No DNS Entry"
End If
End Function
Private Function ResolveHost(sHost As String) As Long
Dim lAddress As Long
lAddress = InetAddrStringToLong(sHost)
If lAddress = SOCKET_ERROR Then
ResolveHost = inet_addr(HostByName(sHost))
ResolveHost = lAddress
End If
End Function
Public Function WinsockConnect(ByVal m_RemoteHost As String, m_RemotePort As Long, iSocket As Long) As Boolean
Dim sock As SockAddr
Dim sRemoteIP As String
Dim x As Long
Dim bAddr(0 To 3) As Byte
Dim i As Integer
iSocket = Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
If iSocket < 1 Then
WinsockConnect = False
Exit Function
End If
sRemoteIP = ""
sock.sin_family = AF_INET
x = ResolveHost(m_RemoteHost)
CopyMemory bAddr(0), x, 4
For i = 0 To 3
sRemoteIP = sRemoteIP & Chr(bAddr(i))
sock.sin_addr = sRemoteIP
sock.sin_port = htons(m_RemotePort)
sock.sin_zero = String(8, 0)
If ConnectWinsock(iSocket, sock, Len(sock)) Then
WinsockConnect = False
Exit Function
End If
WinsockConnect = True
End Function
Public Sub WinsockInit()
WSAStartup &H101, WSAData
End Sub
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CypherJF I gargle nitroglycerin

Gender: Joined: Aug 14 2003 Posts: 2582 Location: USA Offline
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:48 pm Post subject: |
If someone publically released proof they've cracked it; it'd force PriitK to update the game.  _________________ Performance is often the art of cheating carefully. - James Gosling
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Cyan~Fire I'll count you!

Age:37 Gender: Joined: Jul 14 2003 Posts: 4608 Location: A Dream Offline
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:58 pm Post subject: |
You are very confusing.
la wrote: | The Continuum protocol's themselves are encrypted, and althought I have decrypted them, I will not be releasing that information. |
I don't believe that, and I especially hope you're not claiming this program decrypts the packets seeing as it doesn't even make any winsock DLL calls.
And anyway, last I checked, VB doesn't use MFC, so I don't know why you're even talking about VB with this program (which even has that stupid MFC icon).
And anyway, last I checked, you don't spell "test" like this:
 _________________ This help is informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as to its content. User assumes all risk of use. Cyan~Fire assumes no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use.
Wise men STILL seek Him.
test.png - 1.32 KB
File downloaded or viewed 299 time(s)
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Bak ?ls -s 0 in

Age:25 Gender: Joined: Jun 11 2004 Posts: 1826 Location: USA Offline
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:24 pm Post subject: |
conitnuum ignored leading spaces... which is why bots will often put in a period when dumping stats and alignment is desired
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Age:40 Gender: Joined: Feb 26 2005 Posts: 1521 Location: The Netherlands Offline
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:39 pm Post subject: |
Cyan~Fire wrote: |
I don't believe that, and I especially hope you're not claiming this program decrypts the packets seeing as it doesn't even make any winsock DLL calls. |
What this program has to do is store text in the right part of the memory by using pointers to the correct memory location. Still funny how it works though. _________________
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la Newbie

Age:61 Gender: Joined: Jul 29 2005 Posts: 4 Offline
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:49 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | I don't believe that, and I especially hope you're not claiming this program decrypts the packets seeing as it doesn't even make any winsock DLL calls. |
#1 I have made no such claim.
#2 Myself and a few others have infact broke prittk's encryption.
#3 No, We will never give out the information to ANYONE.
#4 Macrowhiz was not built using anything found with Ether Detect.
#5 No, Macrowhiz does not utitlize ANY Winsock DLL's
#6 Macrowhiz was not written in VB, but C++
As far as Ether Detect, I did not make the program. It is just a method to sniff packets and for the wouldbe assembly programmers
it just provides a method to pick apart packets. The encryption Prittk used was very, very, very clever, however it was by far not un-breakable.
Just so everyone understands me.. I make no claims at 'hax0ring' anything. I am just a free minded individual who likes to see how things tick.
One last thing ... I have nothing to prove to anyone, or myself.
I know my capabilities.
Have a great day
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Mine GO BOOM Hunch Hunch What What

Age:41 Gender: Joined: Aug 01 2002 Posts: 3615 Location: Las Vegas Offline
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:54 pm Post subject: |
la wrote: | The encryption Prittk used was very, very, very clever, however it was by far not unbreakable. |
I'd say. Anyways, if you do feel that you and others have broken it, I'd recommend sending anything you have related to it to Ghost Ship or Ekted. Both are those individuals have the best chance of getting direct contact with Priit, and this would be a very good way to get Priit to release an updated client.
If you need to contact either one, Ekted reads these forums. If you'd like a more direct email address for Ghost Ship, send me a private message via these forums. I don't know what he uses for a public address right now.
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la Newbie

Age:61 Gender: Joined: Jul 29 2005 Posts: 4 Offline
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:57 pm Post subject: |
I would be happy to inform Priit of our findings.
I will pm you MGB
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D1st0rt Miss Directed Wannabe

Age:37 Gender: Joined: Aug 31 2003 Posts: 2247 Location: Blacksburg, VA Offline
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:58 am Post subject: |
Oh wow, I didn't realize it actually sent packets. I had always just worked on stuff that faked user input
test2.PNG - 2.29 KB
File downloaded or viewed 250 time(s)
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Cyan~Fire I'll count you!

Age:37 Gender: Joined: Jul 14 2003 Posts: 4608 Location: A Dream Offline
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:33 pm Post subject: |
This program doesn't, but he's claiming he can if he wants to.
And how did you do that?
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Smong Server Help Squatter

Joined: 1043048991 Posts: 0x91E Offline
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 6:05 pm Post subject: |
In your screenshot it half worked, some of the lines did have spaces at the front.
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IronStrike Newbie
Joined: Jun 22 2016 Posts: 1 Offline
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:56 pm Post subject: |
This is a long shot, does anyone still have this by any chance?
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fatrolls Novice
Age:37 Gender: Joined: Jul 25 2013 Posts: 35 Offline
Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:46 pm Post subject: |
Heres the original one made by a Trench Wars player its very old - 9.94 KB
File downloaded or viewed 223 time(s)
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