Mine GO BOOM Hunch Hunch What What

Age:41 Gender: Joined: Aug 01 2002 Posts: 3615 Location: Las Vegas Offline
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 1:29 pm Post subject: New Continuum Cheat (Gashi) is a Trojan |
Remember those useless members of the Subspace Council? Oh yeah, they've found that the new Continuum Cheat, Gashi, uploads your profile.dat to the url http://www.jigro.com/gashi/check_updates.php masked as the ability to 'check for updates'.
Zone admins and moderators around Subspace have been receiving messages such as the following, trying to get them to run the program (which does work I believe, I personally didn't test it):
Download the best new cheat to Continuum since Twister at: http://www.jigro.com/gashi/2.1.5/ Gashi! Remember to have guns and travel subspace!
This program has already been linked to at least one SSC zone's security breach, in which now that zone is on complete lock down with only a few members of staff having any sort of powers.
A word of warning for those of you that run squads or zones: If you feel you have some, for lack of better term, idiots on your staff/squad, you might want to feel the need to change any type of password or protections you have based upon this. Bots that use only a name as a method of security can easily be abused if that person gave Gashi a try. |