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Zone Hosting / Advertising - Conspicuously Empty

Helicon - Wed Dec 04, 2002 4:05 pm
Post subject: Conspicuously Empty
Errrrrrm, the hosting section empty, eh... seems ironic... but not surprising
Siaon - Wed Dec 04, 2002 5:15 pm
Post subject:
People are afraid to ask ^.^ Maybe there should be a machine to run new zones on, since not many to no people are in it, they don't take much bandwith.
Gravitron - Thu Dec 05, 2002 3:30 am
Post subject:
You used to be able to put your zone on SCF, though that's no substitution to have your own host and is even harder to get people to pla, but at the least you could put it up for people to come and check out.
Now you can't even do that because last I checked SCF was down and apperantly it aint going to put it back up.. icon_sad.gif
Helicon - Thu Dec 05, 2002 9:40 pm
Post subject:
"the glory days", how quaint...
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